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Christian Service

“Amen, I say to you,
whatever you did for one
of these least brothers of mine,
you did for me.”  

Matthew 25:40
prison ministry
  • Christian Service Commission:

  • Catholic Relief Services: 

Through our annual Lenten Rice Bowl campaign, the parish contributes several thousand dollars each year to Catholic Relief Services.  Additionally, Holy Spirit Parish School participates in the Lenten Rice Bowl campaign with a portion of these proceeds being donated to a local charity of the school’s choosing. 

  • Parish Relief and Community Outreach: 

Crisis relief aid is provided through the generous parishioner donations from the Yellow Envelope contributions.  This money is used to provide assistance to various individuals and families in crisis.  This fund provides monthly support to St. Jude’s Conference, Family Promise, Echoz Pregnancy Center, Opportunities, Inc., Rocky’s Boy Reservation, and various other community aid and relief services.  Services include food, housing assistance, identification, utilities, clothing and other needs.  If you have questions regarding our relief and outreach, please contact the parish office for further information. 406-452-6491

  • Pope Saint John Paul II Catholic School, Uganda, Africa.  More Information

  • Interfaith Alliance


  • Bereavement: 

  • Bereavement Team:  

Meets the first month of each quarter on the 4th Tuesday at 3pm.  The team sets topics of discussion for the Grief Support meetings and assigns lead and prayer responsibilities. 

The team consists of those who have experienced loss and are available for additional support to those grieving.  If you would like to speak individually with a Bereavement Team member, please contact the parish for referral.  406-452-6491

  • Grief Support Group:

The group meets every Month on the 4th Tuesday at 4pm in the parish hall.


  • Ministry to the Homebound:

Ministers to the homebound are volunteers who visit and bring Holy Communion to those who cannot make it to Mass because they are homebound, in a nursing center, or hospitalized.  This ministry is an extension of the Mass to our fellow Catholics who cannot attend Mass.  If you have extra time each week to provide this service, please contact our parish office for further details, and yearly training requirements. 406-452-6491


  • Prison Ministry:

Holy Spirit Parish participates in the Prison Ministry through the St. Dismas program as part of St. Vincent de Paul . Persons interested in the ministry are required to complete a training program and are scheduled to visit with the incarcerated on a weekly basis.  Additionally, donations of candy, postage stamps and cards can be made for prisoners use.   If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the parish office or St. Vincent de Paul for further information. 

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